
手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件1 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件2 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件3 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件4 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件5 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件6 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件7 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件8 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件9 手卫生及消毒隔离知识PPT课件10
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手卫生 及消毒隔离知识 健康知识/消毒隔离/卫生宣传/ 目 CONTENTS 录 01.概念 03.方法 Important people, less and less people left more and more important. Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 02.原则 Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 04.消毒隔离 Important people, less and less people left more and more important. PART ONE 手卫生术语及定义 Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 术语及定义 为医务人员洗手、卫生手 消毒和外科手消毒的总称 手卫生 医务人员用速干手消 毒剂搓揉双手,以减 少手部暂居菌的过程 ...

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