《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件

《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件1 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件2 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件3 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件4 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件5 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件6 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件7 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件8 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件9 《卖火柴的小女孩·The Little Match Girl》英语绘本PPT课件10
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The Little Match Girl It was the day before Christmas. It was very cold. A poor little girl was walking along the street. Her clothes were ragqed. She had only her mother\\\'s big slippers on her bare feet.\\\"Matches! Matches! Does anyone want to buy matches?\\\"she cried. But no one noticed her. People walked past her in a hurry. They were busy buying Christmas gifts. Soon it was noon. But the little girl had not sold any matches. At this moment, she was beside the window of a beautiful house.She looked into the window. There was a very beautiful Christmas...

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