
《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件1 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件2 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件3 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件4 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件5 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件6 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件7 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件8 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件9 《神笔马良》英语绘本故事PPT课件10
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分享人:XXX Maliang was a good boy.He helped people. The woman didn’t have food. I paint for you. I didn’t have food, Can you help me? Then the food was real. There was a bad man,He didn’t helped people. I took Maliang’s magic paintbrush. I didn’t have gold. I Paint gold with magic paintbrush. But it didn’t make a gold,it made a snake. The bad man was angry. The magic paintbrush didn’t help me. It only helped Maliang. He took Maliang away. I want a big ship. You paint it at once. So Maliang painted a ship,Then the ship was real. Just this time,the seaquake was coming. Soon the ship went down. But the bad man didn’t die. After three days ,he came back. I come back. ha ha ha…… You are a bad man ,You will be punished. Oh my god, you are still alive. The policman is coming.You are arrested! 分享人:XXX

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