
五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件1 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件2 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件3 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件4 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件5 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件6 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件7 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件8 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件9 五一劳动节英文介绍PPT课件10
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International Workers\\\' Day -五一劳动节英语介绍PPT- 目 录 contents 01 Introduction to International Workers\\\' Day 02 International Workers\\\' Day in different countries 03 Workers around us 04 labor famous sayings PART 01 Introduction to International Workers\\\' Day Introduction to International Workers\\\' Day On 1st May 1886, a strike and demonstration of large scale happened in America, which involved 35 thousand persons. Then it was repressed by the police and two demonstrators were shot. The situation got worse: more people died because of the confrontation between the...

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